The Girl

Hello everyone !!! I hope everything is fine for you guys 😊. Well, today I felt like taking some photos when I was out with my little brother.

This was one of the pics I took. A cute young girl travelling with her family through one of the crowded streets of Kerala. Seeing her face brought a sense of happiness in my heart. But not for long, my thoughts drifted down a different path……. “How safe is she😓?” “Does she have any clue about what is happening around her😒?” “How safe is any girl in my country🤕?” …….. it went on and on…and I haven’t got any answer to any of these questions. Day by day, it’s getting worse without doubt. What are we doing about it? What am I doing about it?

I am here writing this up and you guys are reading this.

Random thoughts will go through your mind about this.

Some would turn away saying that this is face.

Some would hashtag the victims with some grievances for some days and then forget till the next “event”.

I am no better.

But isn’t it time to change what we are and evolve into something new?

….. WE HAVE TO!! We have to actually start doing something to stop any future “events”.

But what are we actually capable of doing??

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